Registration Website for the Workshop on
Large-Scale Deep Learning for the Earth System

On the following pages you can register for the workshop on Large-Scale Deep Learning for the Earth System from August 29 - 30, 2024, supported by CESOC, ECMWF, the TRA Modelling at the University of Bonn, the Forschungszentrum Jülich and the University of Cologne

  • Registration is possible with following prices and deadlines as
    • full participant (120 €, deadline: July 31, 2024)
    • student participant (50 €, deadline: June 15, 2024)
    • online participant (20 €, deadline: August 27, 2024).
  • In-Person registration fees include access to the venue, coffee breaks and lunches for the 2 days.
  • Online registration fee includes professionally filmed Livestream. Link will be sent within 24 hours before start of the event. 
  • All registered attendees will be provided with recorded lectures after the event.
  • If you register as PhD or MSc student, please have a copy of a verification document handy, as you will be asked to upload this at the end of the registration procedure.

During the registration process full and online participants can optionally create an account on this registration website. This account enables you to access your documents related to the workshop on Large-Scale Deep Learning for the Earth System (invoice, booking confirmation/ticket) also at a later point in time and allows extending your bookings if desired. Please be aware, that if you register as student participant you need to create an account in order to upload your verfication.

If you already have an account on this registration website please login, else proceed with "Register as attendee", on the left of this page.

In case you have any problem with the registration please send a mail to