We are looking forward to the Hearing and Speech 2021 Online Conference!
Registration for the conference will be open on January 1, 2021!
The participation fee for the entire online conference is:
- Standard: 50€
- Reduced: 30€ (for students or people with disabilities)
To register, use the Register as attendee on the left. If you have already created an account for Hearing and Speech 2020, you can also use it to register for this conference. If you do not remember your password, please use the Forgot password function.
You can log in as an already registered participant with the defined user data to view your documents (invoice, booking confirmation & ticket) or to revise your personal data.
If you would like to submit a contribution, please use the Submit a paper function on the left side. You can find further information on the submission of posters in the menu item Poster Submission.
The participant registration is supported by the conference management software Converia.
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Karolin Schäfer
Dr. Barbara Streicher
She studied rehabilitation science at the TU Dortmund University and then worked as a speech and language therapist at the Cochlear Implant Centre Ruhr (CIC Ruhr) in Essen and at "Der Ohrwurm" in Solingen. In 2017, after working for several years as a medical product consultant for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), she took over the junior professorship for education and aural rehabilitation of people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing at the University of Cologne.
She worked as a teacher for children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing for 13 years in early intervention and preschool settings before becoming the educational director of the Cochlear Implant Centre at the University Hospital of Cologne.
Currently, she is particularly involved in the auditory-linguistic and cognitive development of children with hearing impairment.
Additional training in auditory-verbal therapy and parent-child counselling. Currently member of the board of the German Society for Audiology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie, DGA-e.V.).